8 Best Music Gear Review Websites

Best Music Gear Review Websites

How do you find that perfect gear that resonates with your artistic spirit? Enter the world of music gear reviews. Like a maestro guiding an orchestra through a symphonic masterpiece, a well-crafted review can steer us toward the instruments and equipment that will elevate our musical journey. Before you drop your hard-earned money on that shiny new guitar, that state-of-the-art synthesizer, or a gift for friends, consulting reviews can be the guiding light you need in the expansive universe of music gear.

What to Look for in a Trusted Review Site

Navigating the labyrinth of music gear can feel like being a contestant on a game show. With so many choices, which door do you open? Trusted review sites are your lifeline. But how can you distinguish the genuine maestros from the cacophonous wannabes? 

  • Unbiased Opinions: Like that favorite album you play on repeat, integrity never gets old. A review site worth its salt won’t be swayed by brands or sponsorship. They’ll tell it like it is, with the good, the bad, and the slightly off-key.
  • Expertise in the Field: It’s one thing to know how to play a G chord and quite another to understand the intricacies of guitar construction. Expertise shines through in reviews. Look for sites where the writers demonstrate a deep knowledge of music, gear, and the interplay between the two.
  • Diversity of Products Reviewed: The world of music gear is vast, from vintage tube amps to cutting-edge digital interfaces. A top-tier review site will have a mixtape vibe, offering insights into a wide range of products rather than just playing the greatest hits.
  • Engagement with the Audience: A soliloquy can be beautiful, but a dialogue? That’s where magic happens. The best review sites engage with their audience, answering questions, addressing concerns, and sometimes shifting their perspective based on user feedback. It’s a jam session of thoughts and opinions, and you’re invited!

Sound On Sound

Established in 1985, Sound On Sound (often abbreviated as SOS) has grown into a legendary name in the music industry. Their monthly magazine and accompanying website are filled to the brim with gear reviews, tutorials, and industry insights.


Depth of Content: An SOS review isn’t just a quick glance over a product. They dive deep, often producing multi-page analyses of gear.

Historical Context: Having been around for decades, they often provide insights on how a product stacks up against its predecessors or vintage equivalents.

Active Forums: SOS has an active community where readers and industry experts discuss gear, techniques, and more.


Slightly Overwhelming: For beginners, the depth of some reviews can be a tad much. It’s like trying to sip from a fire hydrant.

Subscription Model: While a lot of content is free, to access some of the more in-depth articles and reviews, a subscription is necessary.


Gearspace (the recently rebranded Gearslutz) is a massive online community for musicians, sound engineers, and producers. The site features forums, reviews, and industry news.


User-generated Content: Since the community is so active, you can get feedback and reviews from actual users in real time.

Variety: From vintage gear to the latest digital tech, discussions on Gearslutz cover the gamut of audio equipment.

Professional Insights: Many industry pros hang out here, offering valuable insights you won’t find anywhere else.


A Bit Unfiltered: With user-generated content, you’ll get a range of opinions, which can sometimes conflict. 

Navigation Can Be Tricky: Given its forum-based nature, finding specific information can sometimes feel like searching for a lost pick in a messy rehearsal room.



MusicRadar serves as an all-in-one hub for musicians, offering reviews, tutorials, news, and artist interviews.

Broad Range: Whether you’re a drummer, guitarist, producer, or DJ, MusicRadar has content tailored for you.

Updated Regularly: The site is always buzzing with new content, ensuring you stay updated with the latest in the music world.

Buyer’s Guides: They frequently publish lists and guides, aiding musicians in making informed purchasing decisions.


Generalist Approach: While they cover a lot, they might not go as in-depth as some specialized sites.

Ad-heavy: As a free resource, they rely on ads for revenue. This can sometimes interrupt the browsing experience, like a drum solo in the middle of a ballad.

Sweetwater’s InSync

InSync is Sweetwater’s dedicated hub for all things music tech. While Sweetwater is a renowned retailer, InSync delves into reviews, news, buying guides, and tech tips.


Hands-On Experience: Since Sweetwater sells the gear, their reviewers often have hands-on experience with the products.

Extensive Video Content: They frequently accompany articles with video reviews, providing an auditory and visual perspective.

Behind-The-Scenes Access: Being a major player in the industry, Sweetwater gets early access to many products, giving readers a sneak peek.


Retailer Bias?: As a retailer, there’s always a potential conflict of interest. However, Sweetwater tends to prioritize honest feedback over pushing sales.

Product Focus: The reviews often lean towards products available in their store.

Guy Listening to Something While on His Laptop

Music Gear Review Dude

A chill space carved out by dudes (we firmly maintain dude is a gender-neutral term.) who are passionate about everything that beeps, strums, and booms. Music Gear Review Dude is your down-to-earth source for honest gear talk without the jargon overdose.


Casual Vibes: Gone are the days of techy talks that fly over your head. Here, reviews feel like a friendly chat over a cup of coffee.

Diverse Catalog: From vintage tube amps to the latest digital audio workstations, the Dude reviews it all.

Unbiased Opinion: We review for love of the art. With no skin in the game, you can trust The Dude to call it like they see it.


Relaxed Schedule: Being so laid-back, you might not get daily updates. Quality over quantity is the Dude’s mantra.

Dude’s Humor: Some might find the casual lingo and dad jokes a bit too much. But hey, that’s the Dude’s charm!

Limited Video Content: While the written content is abundant, video reviews are absent at this time.

Guitar World

As the name suggests, Guitar World mainly orbits the world of guitars: electric, acoustic, bass, and everything in between. They feature reviews, lessons, news, and artist interviews.


Guitar Specialist: If it’s related to guitars, they’ve got it covered. From the latest axes to the coolest guitar tech, it’s all here.

Legendary Magazine Roots: Having its roots as a print magazine since 1980, they bring decades of expertise and credibility.

Famous Interviews: Guitar World frequently interviews famous guitarists, getting their take on gear.


Niche Focus: Fantastic for guitar enthusiasts, but if you’re looking for broader music tech insights, this might not be your main destination.

Ad-heavy: Like many free online platforms, they host several ads which might detract from the user experience.


Audiofanzine steps out as a grand stage for gear aficionados from around the globe. With an eclectic mix of reviews on everything from studio tech to guitar pedals, it’s a hub for producers and musicians alike.


Wide Spectrum: While some sites specialize, Audiofanzine covers a vast territory, from DJ gear to studio microphones.

Community-Driven: It’s not just experts yakking away – the community of users contribute reviews, providing a rounded perspective.

Multilingual Marvel: The platform caters to a global audience, with multiple languages supported.


Ad Overload: The site can be a tad heavy on the advertising front, which might be off-putting for some users.

Navigation Niggles: With so much content, finding specific reviews can sometimes be labor-intensive.

Tape Op

Primarily a free magazine, Tape Op is a treasure trove for those who are passionate about recording music. It dives deep, providing insights that only seasoned professionals can offer.


Expert Opinions: Reviews are often penned by individuals with years of experience in the recording industry.

Unique Perspectives: Goes beyond the gear, often touching upon the art and philosophy of recording.

Free Subscription: Yes, you read that right! Their print magazine is free for U.S. residents.


Niche Audience: Its focus on recording might not cater to all musicians, especially those looking for broader gear reviews.

Wait Times: Since it’s a magazine format, you might have to wait a bit for the next batch of reviews.

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